Brain image unit

Brain image unit 

Research Support Unit

Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) is a nuclear medicine tomographic imaging technique that uses gamma rays that are captured by a gamma camera. Imaging in general and Neuroimaging in particular have become a widely used technique in Molecular Medicine, and, with the advent of preclinical equipment, allows studies to be carried out in experimental animals in vivo.
The technique requires the administration of a gamma-emitting radioisotope (a radionuclide) to the subject to be studied, usually by injection into the bloodstream. Occasionally, the radioisotope is a simple ion soluble in solution. In general, however, the radioisotope is bound to a specific molecule to create a radioligand, whose properties allow it to bind to certain types of tissue.
To acquire SPECT images, the gamma camera rotates around the subject to obtain 3D images.

Service benefits offered by the unit

  • CT-Scan X-ray computed tomography:Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) is a nuclear medicine tomographic imaging technique that uses gamma rays that are captured by a gamma camera. Imaging in general and Neuroimaging in particular have become a widely used technique in Molecular Medicine, and, with the advent of preclinical equipment, allows studies to be carried out in in vivo experimental animals.
  • SPECT single photon emission computed tomography: Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) is a nuclear medicine tomographic imaging technique that uses gamma rays that are captured by a gamma camera. Imaging in general and Neuroimaging in particular have become a widely used technique in Molecular Medicine, and, with the advent of preclinical equipment, allows studies to be carried out in in vivo experimental animals.

The Computed Tomography technique requires the administration of a gamma-emitting radioisotope (a radionuclide) to the subject to be studied, usually by injection into the bloodstream. Occasionally, the radioisotope is a simple ion soluble in solution. In general, however, the radioisotope is bound to a specific molecule to create a radioligand, whose properties allow it to bind to certain types of tissue.
To acquire SPECT images, the gamma camera rotates around the subject to obtain 3D images. During rotation, projections are acquired at defined positions, typically every 3-6 degrees. In most cases, a full 360 degrees of rotation is used to obtain optimal reconstructions. The time required to obtain each projection is variable, and is related to the characteristics of the radioligand.
The Brain Imaging Unit of the Cajal Institute has acquired a SPECT Albira device (Oncovision, Spain) that allows the study of different functions. It is equipped with a computerized tomography (CT) scanner, which allows obtaining anatomical images.
We are focused on the development of methods to assess different brain functions. For example, cerebral blood flow will be assessed with 99mTc-HMPAO (hexamethylpropylene amine oxime), a parameter that can be modified in neurodegenerative diseases, tumors, etc. Dopamine transporters can be labeled with DatScan (123I-BICIT), a useful application in models of Parkinson’s disease, where these transporters are reduced. 99mTc-DTPA is used to study the integrity of the blood-brain barrier (eg in ischemic lesions), and 99mTcNa to study the iodine-sodium symporter.
Conditions of service

Conditions of service 

The user will contact the Brain Imaging Unit to request the studies and choose the most appropriate radioligand in his case for the acquisition of SPECT images. The animals must be housed in the quarantine room of the Institute’s Animal Facility, since once the experiments have been carried out they will return to that room. In the event that the service is required by a researcher from another Institute/Center, a veterinary report will be required before admitting them to the facility.
The price of each study will depend on the price of the radioligand dose per animal. There is already a price list of available services. Once the images are acquired, they will be reconstructed, analyzed and a report will be issued for each one of them.


Technical support: María López de Ceballos

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