Neurodeck: horse of gold

HORSE OF GOLD FRANCISCO TELLO FRANCISCO TELLO (1880 – 1958), the father of pathological anatomy in Spain Francisco Tello is the rider of the Horse of gold. From the first student hired by the Biological Research Laboratory at the beginning of the century to a...

Neurodeck: page of gold

PAGES OF GOLD NEUROSCIENTIFIC ILLUSTRATORS FROM THE CAJAL SCHOOL: SCIENTIFIC ILLUSTRATION AS A DISCIPLINE We present our Pages of gold: the neuroscientific illustrators who worked with Santiago Ramón y Cajal and his disciples at the Neurological School of Madrid. At...

Neurodeck: 2 to 7 of gold

CARDS 2 TO 7 OF GOLD ALZHEIMER´S DISEASE Cards 2 to 7 of gold: Alzheimer´s disease Alzheimer destroys our neuronal treasure and the richness of its connections, obscuring memories, limiting cognitive abilities and hindering daily life. The suit of gold symbolizes both...

Neurodeck: ace of gold

ACE OF GOLD NEURONS Introducing the Ace of Gold of the neurodeck: neurons. We have chosen neurons to represent the suit of gold in our neurodeck because they are million-dollar cells, rich and very valuable. Neurons are millionaires due to their number: the latest...
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