


The Management of the Institute is a one-person body for the direction, management and advice of the Institute, together with the Directorate and Vice-directorate, where appropriate, and the Heads of Department.

The Manager of the Institute is appointed by the President of the CSIC, after hearing the Director of the Institute and the Secretary General of the CSIC, by the free appointment procedure. Without prejudice to the functions assigned to the Director and under his orders, he will be responsible for:

  • The economic and budgetary management as well as the purchases and contracting of works and external services.
  • The administrative organization of the Institute. The head of personnel in what refers to its administrative regime and the supervision of all units of administrative and technical services.
  • The heritage of the center, as well as the care and control of the proper use of the facilities.
  • The internal regime.
  • Maintenance and general services.
  • The economic and personnel management of projects or contracts in progress, without prejudice to the powers of the principal investigators thereof.
  • The secretariat of the Board of Institute

Gabriel Catalán Esparrago

Phone: 915854753

Apart from other functions of coordination and internal organization, as well as the relationship with the central organization of the CSIC, the Management and the administration carry out the following functions in general terms:

Human Resources Area

  • Labor contracting and management of calls.
  • Presence control (leaves, vacations, permits and licences). Staff access to Institute Services.
  • Personnel management, Social Action, Training.
  • Stays.
  • Occupational risk prevention and occupational health (work accidents and occupational diseases).

Yago Rodríguez Cela

Phone: 915 854 748

Economic-financial and budget management area

  • Income Management
  • Budget management.
  • Treasury and payment.
  • Budgetary and analytical accounting (internal).
  • Travel and diet management.

Carolina Martín Sánchez 

Phone: 915 854 749

Recruitment and assets area

  • Control of minor purchases.
  • Centralized acquisition of goods.
  • Acquisition of goods and services through contracting file.
  • Patrimony and inventory of goods

Carolina Martín Sánchez

Phone: 915 854 749

Project and contract management area

  • Call information.
  • Help in the presentation of applications to said calls and in the
    preparation of budgets for contracts and agreements.
  • Registration of projects and contracts.
  • Monitoring of projects and contracts.
  • Scientific-technical and economic justification of projects and contracts (reports of monitoring and final justifications).

Laura Ramos del Álamo | Mª Ángeles de la Iglesia Pérez 

Phone: 915 854 749

Internal regime area

  • Room reservations.
  • Seminars and conferences.
  • Messaging and mail.
  • Control of access and use of rooms and equipment.

Mª Victoria Garrido Ramirez
Phone: 915 854 749

SCHEDULE: 09:00 a 14:30 – 15:30 a 17:30.
LOCATION: Ground floor

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