Computing and communications Unit

Computing and communications Unit

Research support unit

The objective set out in the Computing and Communications Unit is to ensure a computer infrastructure that facilitates the performance of the Institute’s basic missions, such as research and administrative tasks.


Among others, it is worth noting:

  • Supervision of communications, network electronics, Internet access, local network, perimeter and internal security.
  • Design, implementation and maintenance of internal services (intranet, file server, etc.)
  • Management of accounts and mailing lists. Attention, support and advice to users.
  • Purchase, installation and maintenance of microcomputer equipment. Applications development

Operating protocol

Below is a summary of the rules that any user must follow if they wish to use the Institute’s computing resources and network infrastructure, as well as the procedures for requesting support from the SIC. These rules and procedures are part of the “Policies for the use of computer resources and network infrastructure of the Cajal Institute”. Which will be published on the Service page, on the Center’s intranet.


  • SIC: Informatics and Communications Service of the Cajal Institute.
  • Users: Any person who uses the resources managed by the SIC.
  • Resources managed by the SIC. Service personnel, communications infrastructure, computer infrastructure and services executed or hosted by said infrastructure.
  • Administrative Responsible: Responsible for the computer equipment that has been installed in a Center or Institute, this responsibility is limited to authorizing their installation, who can use them and what use is made of them. The Administrative person in charge of a computer system is the person in charge of the Group or Service, although, ultimately, this responsibility falls on the Director of the Center or Institute or the person he delegates.
  • Systems Administrator: He is responsible for the management and administration of computer equipment and for supervising compliance with the policy for their use. It will normally be the IT staff of the Center or Institute.
  • Institute Equipment: These are all computer equipment that, regardless of the way in which they have been acquired, use or are going to use the resources managed by the SIC. These resources range from user support, through access to the internal network (whether wired or wireless), to access to the Institute’s servers. Excluded from this classification are equipment that may be in the Institute but does not need have access to its resources (human and/or technical). These computers will be able to access the Internet through a WIFI connection to the “guest” network.


  • New equipment. The installation and commissioning of computer and communications equipment at the Institute will be carried out by SIC personnel or under their supervision.
  • Team management. Whenever possible, an account with administrator privileges will be enabled on ALL the Institute’s computers so that the SIC can access the computer to perform support and/or maintenance tasks. Equipment purchased individually may be excluded from this rule, even if it is used for daily work at the Institute.
  • Network equipment connection. Under no circumstances is the connection of equipment to the Institute’s network allowed without the authorization and supervision of the SIC.
  • Equipment inventory*. The SIC needs to have knowledge of the equipment present in the Institute, the hardware that composes them, as well as the software installed on them. For this reason, it is necessary that all the equipment of the Institute be inventoried and that the information related to it be regularly updated. For this purpose, we have chosen to use a solution
  • client-server called OCS Inventory. Said solution consists of an “agent” that is installed on the client computer and that regularly sends an inventory of the computer to a “server” that stores the hardware and software of the computer in question in a database, as well as the moment in which that the last inventory has been carried out. AT NO TIME ARE PARTICULAR DATA OF THE USER SENT. Antivirus. ALL Institute computers with a Windows operating system must have installed the antivirus considered official by the SIC, with the SIC being in charge of installing and configuring it on the computers. Right now it’s F-Secure.
  • Installation and use of software. The installation of software considered “critical” such as the operating system, antivirus or anti-malware software, is the exclusive responsibility of the SIC. The rest of the applications can be installed by the user. Although it is recommended as far as possible that the SIC be the one to carry them out.
  • Copy and software licenses. The copy of software licensed by Cajal is not allowed
    without the express consent of the SIC. The installation and use of software without
    license. All unlicensed software installed on any Institute equipment will be the responsibility of its owner, or failing that, of its Administrative manager. The SIC reserves the right to provide support to those computers that it considers affected by problems generated by the use of illegal software.

Failure to comply with the rules detailed above may be associated with, from the denial of support by the SIC to the disconnection of the network of the equipment in question (temporarily or permanently)


Support request to the SIC


1.- Enter in

2.- Open a new incident indicating the type and giving as many details as possible

The execution of the work order will be carried out by any of the SIC technicians, with the Service itself deciding the person or persons who will carry it out. For none of the tasks to be carried out, it will be necessary to expressly address a specific person. Requests made by other means WILL NOT BE ATTENDED in any case.


Responsible: Raul Muñoz García


PHONE: 915854871

SCHEDULE: 8:00-16:00

PLACE: ground level

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