Training offer

Training programs in Neurosciences

Currently, the Cajal Institute participates in several international university master’s programs and also offers specialized training for technicians.

The center welcomes students from foreign institutions (Grade Internships, End of Degree Projects, Master’s Degree, Doctorate, Erasmus+ Program, Fulbright Scholarships), highlighting our postgraduate research program that offers multidisciplinary teaching adapted to the new models of the Knowledge Europe:

New International Program in Neurosciences

With its future transfer to the University Campus of the UAH, the Cajal Institute will lead a new International Master’s and Doctorate Program in Neurosciences together with the Menéndez Pelayo International University, with the teaching collaboration of scientists from all over the world.

The intention of the Institute is to generate new professional opportunities inside and outside the academic environment, favoring the training not only of tomorrow’s scientists, but also of future secondary school teachers, journalists, philosophers, historians, etc. These training programs will be open to students from all countries of the world, according to strict selection criteria.

With this program, we aspire to be recognized by the CHET Committee of the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies-FENS and to achieve collaboration systems that guarantee an associated scholarship program.

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