Neuro Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (NAIR)

Neuro AI and Robotics (NAIR)







The Neuro Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (NAIR) research group, led by Dr Pablo Lanillos, transforms our understanding of the brain into the technologies of the future. How humans perceive and act with their body to i) improve artificial intelligence and robotic systems, and at the same time ii) help reveal the internal information processing mechanisms in the brain. We develop novel algorithms for the learning, estimation and control of complex systems based on neuroscience findings and evaluate them on robotic platforms (humanoids, manipulators, exos). Our models, in addition to being relevant to disciplines such as computational neuroscience, robotics and cognitive science, are particularly interesting for human-centered solutions, for example, healthcare, human-robot interaction, wearable robotics, etc. Achieve robots with embodied intelligence comparable to that of humans. Enabling robots to act and adapt to complex real-world interactions is one of the key challenges of this century.
Active Inference iCUB

Experience: Our research group has more than ten years of experience in brain-inspired machine-learning models for robot perception and action. We pioneered the successful deployment of neuroscience-inspired models (e.g., predictive coding) in humanoid robots, as well as the replication of human perception experiments in robotic systems (e.g., rubber hand illusion). . We are internationally recognized for the active inference approach to robotics, a neuroscience-inspired framework that describes the brain as an inference machine. We are currently investigating new theoretical probabilistic models for practical applications in industrial robotics, environmental monitoring and healthcare.

Research lines

1) Neuroscience-inspired Artificial intelligence

2) Robotic learning (RL for wearable robotics)

3) Spiking Control

4) Computational models of body perception

5) Self-perception and synthetic awareness


Principal investigator

Pablo Lanillos

Pablo Lanillos

Ramon y Cajal Fellow

Pablo Lanillos
Principal investigator

Google Scholar
ORCID: 0000-0001-9154-0798


Proyectos y publicaciones

See here


    Where to find us


    Instituto Cajal CSIC. Avda. Doctor Arce, 37. 28002. Madrid

    Write us an email

    Email: p [dot] lanillos [at] csic [dot] es

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