Laboratory of neural circuits

Laboratory of neural circuits







Our laboratory is interested in understanding the mechanisms of electrical activity generation in the neural circuits of the hippocampus and the para-hippocampal region, both in function and in pathologies such as epilepsy. We use a combination of electrophysiological, morphological, and analytical techniques to answer this question from the cellular to the system level.

Lines of investigation

The main objective of our laboratory is to understand the function of the hippocampal and parahippocampal circuits in the normal and pathological brain. We are interested in how complex patterns of activity are generated with special emphasis on the cellular and synaptic rules that govern the dynamics of circuits. To address these questions, we exploit modern ultra-dense recording and cell imaging techniques to selectively interrogate neural circuitry with opto- and chemogenetic techniques. We combine electrophysiological tools with the study of behavior to link the function and dysfunction of microcircuits with cognition. We focus on different forms of activity, including various types of oscillations (waves, fast waves, theta and gamma) and epileptiform events. Visit our website:


Liset M de la Prida

Principal investigator

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Featured publications

  • Andrea Navas-Olive, Rodrigo Amaducci, Maria-Teresa Jurado-Parras, Enrique R Sebastian & Liset M de la Prida Deep learning based feature extraction for prediction and interpretation of sharp-wave ripples in the rodent hippocampus. eLife 11:e77772 (2022)
  • Elena Cid*, Ángel Marquez-Galera*, M Valero, B Gal, DC Medeiros, CM Navarrón, L Ballesteros-Esteban, R Reig-Viader, AV Morales, I Fernandez-Lamo, D Gomez-Dominguez, M Sato, Y Hayashi, A Bayés, A Barco, JP López-Atalaya#, Liset M de la Prida# Sublayer- and cell-type-specific neurodegenerative transcriptional trajectories in hippocampal sclerosis. Cell Reports 35(10), 109229, (2021)
  • Andrea Navas-Olive, Manuel Valero, Teresa Jurado-Parras, Adan de Salas-Quiroga, Robert G. Averkin, Giuditta Gambino, Elena Cid, Liset M. de la Prida Multimodal determinants of phase-locked dynamics across deep-superficial hippocampal sublayers during theta oscillations Nat Comm 11, 2217 (2020)
  • Ivan Fernandez-Lamo, Daniel Gomez-Dominguez, Alberto Sanchez-Aguilera, Azahara Oliva, Aixa Victoria Morales, Manuel Valero, Elena Cid, Antal Berenyi and Liset Menendez de la Prida. Proximodistal Organization of the CA2 Hippocampal Area. Cell Reports 26, (2019)
  • Manuel Valero, Robert G. Averkin, Ivan Femandez-Lamo, Juan Aguilar, Diego Lopez-Pigozzi, Jorge R. Brotons-Mas,Elena Cid, Gabor Tamas, and Liset Menendez de la Prida. Mechanisms for Selective single-Cell Reactivation during Offline Sharp-Wave Ripples and Their Distortion by Fas1t Ripples. Neuron. Doi:10.1016/j.neuron.2017.05.032
  • M. Valero, E. Cid, RG. Averkin, J.Aguilar, A. Sanchez-Aguilera, TJ. Viney, D.Gomez-Dominguez, E. Bellistri, L. Menendez de la Prida. Determinants of different deep and superficial CA1 pyramidal cell dynamics during sharp-wave ripples. Nature Neuroscience 18, 1281–1290 (2015).
  • C. Alvarado-Rojas, G. Huberfeld, M. Baulac, S. Clemenceau, S. Charpier,R. Miles, L. Menendez de la Prida*CA, M. Le Van Quyen. Different mechanisms of ripple-like oscillations in the human epileptic subiculum. Ann Neurol. 77(2):281-90 (2015).
  • F.Laurent, JR. Brotons-Mas, E.Cid, D.Lopez-Pigozzi, M.Valero, B.Gal, L.Menendez de la Prida. Proximodistal structure of theta coordination in the dorsal hippocampus of epileptic rats. J Neuroscience. 35(11): 4760-4775 (2015)
  • A.Altuna, E.Bellistri, E.Cid, P.Aivar, B.Gal, J.Berganzo, G.Gabriel, A.Guimerà, R.Villa, LJ.Fernández, L.Menendez de la Prida. SU-8 based microprobes for simultaneous neural depth recording and drug delivery in the brain. Lab Chip. 2013 Feb 14 (2013)
  • G.Huberfeld, L.Menendez de la Prida, J.Pallud, I.Cohen, M.l Le Van Quyen,C.Adam,Clemenceau,.M.Baulac, R.Miles Glutamatergic pre-ictal discharges emerge at the transition to seizure in human epilepsy. Nat Neu 14:627-634 (2011)
  • M.Inostroza, E.Cid, J.Brotons-Mas, B.Gal, P.Aivar, Y.G.Uzcategui, C.Sandi, L.Menendez de la Prida
    Hippocampal dependent spatial memory in the water maze is preserved in an experimental models of temporal lobe epilepsy. PLoS ONE 6(7) e22372 (2011)
  • G. Foffani, Y.G. Uzcategui, B. Gal, L. Menendez de la Prida. Reduced spike-timing reliability orrelates with the emergence of fast ripples in the rat epileptic hippocampus. Neuron 55:930-941 (2007)
  • L. Menendez de la Prida, Gilles Huberfeld, Ivan Cohen, and Richard Miles. Threshold behavior in the initiation of hippocampal population bursts. Neuron (2006) 49:131-142


    Where to find us

    Laboratory of neural circuits. Laboratory, B17

    Instituto Cajal CSIC. Avda. Doctor Arce, 37. 28002. Madrid

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    +34 915 854 359

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