Inhibitory microcircuits laboratory

Inhibitory microcircuits laboratory







In the laboratory, we investigate the role of inhibitory neural circuits in the functioning of neural networks in the hippocampus and cerebral cortex. The ultimate goal is to determine the synaptic, cellular, and system mechanisms by which inhibitory circuits regulate brain functions such as memory and learning.


Our current goals are:

1. Understand how memory modifies the connectivity of inhibitory circuits.

2. Determine the role of inhibitory synaptic plasticity in memory consolidation and extinction.

3. Define how Alzheimer’s disease modifies the functionality of the inhibitory circuits of the hippocampus.

For this, the laboratory is equipped with electrophysiological recording technology of neuronal electrical activity applied to the study of the physiology of the inhibitory synapse. Likewise, we use optogenetic techniques for the remote control of neuronal activity, in order to study the mechanisms of synaptic plasticity and define the role of specific groups of neurons during behavior.


Do you want to collaborate with us?

We are recruiting new members for the group. If you are interested, contact us at:

+34 915 854 756


Publications of the last years

  • Mendez P, Stefanelli T, Flores CE, Muller D, Luscher C. Homeostatic plasticity in the hippocampus facilitates memory extinction. Cell Reports 2018 In press.
  • Stefanelli T, Bertollini C, Lüscher C, Muller D, Mendez P. Hippocampal somatostatin interneurons control the size of neuronal memory ensembles. Neuron 2016 89(5):1074-1085.
  • Flores CE, Nikonenko I, Mendez P, Fritschy JM , Tyagarajan SK, Muller D. Activity-dependent inhibitory synapse remodeling through gephyrin phosphorylation. PNAS 2015 112(1):E65-E72.
  • Mendez P, Pazienti A, Szabo G, Bacci A. Direct alteration of a specific inhibitory circuit of the hippocampus by antidepressants. J Neurosci. 2012 Nov 21;32(47):16616-28.
  • Mendez P, Garcia-Segura LM, Muller D. Estradiol promotes spine growth and synapse formation without affecting pre-established networks. Hippocampus. 2011 Dec;21(12):1263-7.
  • Mendez P, De Roo M, Poglia L, Klauser P, Muller D. N-cadherin mediates plasticity-induced long-term spine stabilization. J Cell Biol. 2010 May 3;189(3):589-600.
  • De Roo M, Klauser P, Mendez P, Poglia L, Muller D. Activity-dependent PSD formation and stabilization of newly formed spines in hippocampal slice cultures. Cereb Cortex. 2008 Jan;18(1):151-61.
  • Mendez P, Garcia-Segura LM. Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase and glycogen synthase kinase 3 regulate estrogen receptor-mediated transcription in neuronal cells. Endocrinology. 2006 Jun;147(6):3027-39. IF: 4.72.


  • *Flores, CF, * Mendez P. Shaping inhibition: structural plasticity of cortical GABAergic synapses. Frontiers in Cellular Neurosciences. 2014 8:327.
  • *Méndez P, Bacci A§. Assortment of GABAergic plasticity in the cortical interneuron melting pot. Neural Plast. 2011.


Where to find us

Inhibitory microcircuits laboratory

Instituto Cajal CSIC. Avda. Doctor Arce, 37. 28002. Madrid

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