The neurodeck of cards from Cajal Institute can already be acquired in the Natural Sciences National Museum (MNCN) shop

Cajal Institute – News

Probably some of you know about the neurodeck of cards of Cajal Institute, if you have alredy seen the publications about it in our blog (at this moment, only in Spanish). Now, we have developed an agreement with the Natural Sciences National Museum (MNCN), so those who want to buy it can do, in an affordable price, in the Museum shop.

The neurodeck of cards is a version of the classic Spanish deck of cards in which we represent four cellular types of the nervous system, as well as outstanding figures of neuroscience (and Spanish School of Histology created around Cajal), different scientific techniques, and a QR code which links to a website which explains every card. You can also download the neurodeck to print it yourself through a link you will find here.

The neurodeck is a funny way to make science divulgation, either by games or magic tricks, some of which are shown in the Youtube channel of del Cajal Institute. It is illustrated with great images which adults and children will enjoy.

We hope this initiative helps to increase science knowledge in a broad range of public, and that the neurodeck gets everywhere, either to scientific, educative and cultural institutions (as part as divulgation activities) or private homes.

There is a plan to create, in a close future, also an English version of the neurodeck of cards, as well as translations of all the aditional associated information, so English-speaking users can enjoy the neurodeck at all levels.

Natural Sciences National Museum (MNCN in Spanish) is located Calle José Gutiérrez de Abascal, nº 2, Madrid (Madrid). Access is free to CSIC members.
In a close future, it will be possible to acquire also the neurodeck in ‘Don Santiago Ramón y Cajal’ Hostal, located closed to the house where Santiago Ramón y Cajal was born, in the Spanish town of Petilla de Aragón.

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