Operating room

Operating room


It is a room within the Animal Facility, to which authorized persons have access.


In the operating room, surgical operations, implantation of electrodes, sacrifice of animals and their dissection, perfusion, extraction of fluids (blood, cerebrospinal fluid…) are carried out. When the light is turned off, the ultraviolet light automatically turns on.

Functioning protocol

  • The equipment to be used will be reserved on the reservation sheets
  • The operating room will be accessed with the clothing for access to the Animal Facility (leggings, hat, gown, etc…)
  • The use of surgical gloves is recommended
  • The enclosure should be left collected and clean after use.
  • In order to access various commonly used equipment, you must request the keys to the cabinets that contain them.
  • The surgical material is from each laboratory
  • Sharp material (scalpel blades, needles) is disposed of in containers for this purpose
  • It is essential to know the operation of the equipment before its use.


Several tables are available, including one specially designed for animal perfusion; surgical microscopes, stereotaxic devices (one of them digital); inhalation anesthesia systems (oxygen and fluothane); nanoinjection system; peristaltic pump for infusions; cold light sources, centrifugal; Balances; there is a variety of sterile and/or disposable material for use in the procedures (syringes, needles, gloves, etc.); drugs (anesthetics, saline, heparin…); slaughter chamber with CO2


Responsible: Pablo Méndez


PHONE: 915 854 756

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