Today is a day to celebrate. The creation of the Cajal Museum has been achieved

Cajal Institute – News

The Cajal Museum is a museum institution with the primary objectives of preserving the assets belonging to the Cajal Legacy, both current and future additions to its collections, and disseminating the legacy of Santiago Ramón y Cajal and his School.

Its functions are:

a) The exhibition, conservation, and custody of the assets assigned to it as the museum’s permanent collection, as well as the cataloging, restoration, and orderly exhibition of any collections of historical, artistic, scientific, or technical value that form part of its holdings.

b) The temporary exhibition of other collections of historical, artistic, scientific, or technical theme and value in accordance with the Museum’s objective.

c) The documentation of its collections.

d) Providing researchers with access to the material held in the Museum for research purposes related to its collections.

e) The creation of descriptive and cataloging tools for the scientific analysis of the collections it has been assigned.

f) The development of outreach and educational activities regarding the Cajal Legacy and neurosciences, including the preparation and publication of catalogs, monographs, and other related publications.

g) Cooperation and fostering relationships with other museums and institutions of the same thematic scope, both nationally and internationally.

h) Any other function assigned to it by its statutory regulations or by legal or regulatory provision. In its fulfillment, it will adhere to the recommendations of specialized museum and assimilable institution organizations at the national or international level.

The Cajal Museum’s digital strategy will support its mission in achieving its objectives and carrying out its functions.

The Cajal Museum’s collection consists of assets belonging to the Cajal Legacy owned by the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), to which the Cajal Institute belongs, and which is attached to the Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities, as well as those that may be incorporated in the future.

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