Neuroflamenco in the Museum: a workshop of Cajal Institute and National Natural Sciences Museum

by | Feb 20, 2024 | Activities | 0 comments

In March the 14th we will display, in the Circular Room of the National Natural Sciences Museum, a workshop titled ‘Neuroflamenco in the Museum’, in which Dr. Ana Belén López Rodríguez (Santa Cristina Hospital) will teach us the benefits caused by dancing -specifically flamenc dance- in our mind. In this interactive activity, she will also make the public experiment by themselves how our brain changes when we dance.

This event, celebrated in collaboration with Cajal Institute, is part of the Brain Awareness Week 2024 activities. You can discover more in this promo video. At the bottom of this site, you have also a very representative video.

Assistants will be received in the Museum since 18.30h, and they will be allowed to visit the Museum expo which is dedicated to Santiago Ramón y Cajal. Later, at 19h, the workshop will start.

Assistance is limited by space in the room. To be sure you have a seat, please make a reservation by sending a mail to

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