Benefits of exercise for the brain. José Luis Trejo, in Ciencia para Leer

Instituto Cajal – News

In classical Greece, the benefits of physical exercise for the body and mind were already known, and today everyone is aware of the harm of a sedentary lifestyle. But is any kind of exercise good? How often and how intensely is it convenient to practice physical activity?

All types of exercise generate healthy effects. The enemy is sedentary lifestyle. That is the enemy to beat.

Jose luis Trejo, Cajal Institute

These questions find an answer in the book Brain and exercise, a volume from the collection What do we know about…, edited by the CSIC and Catarata, signed by Coral Sanfeliu and José Luis Trejo, director of the Adult Neurogenesis Group of the Cajal Institute.

In this Ciencia para Leer podcast, José Luis Trejo explains how physical activity shapes the brain and what are the beneficial effects of exercise on our neurons or on our mood

Benefits of exercise for the brain

by José Luis Trejo, Ciencia para Leer

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