Your brain likes chocolate: a workshop with delicious science

by | Apr 29, 2024 | Activities | 0 comments

In May the 25th, at 12 noon and 5pm, we will develop, in Washington Buño Seminars Room in Cajal Institute, two sessions of a workshop called ‘Your brain likes chocolate’.

It will consist on a conference-workshop in which we will talk about the process of obtention of cocoa, the chocolate elaboration, and its nutritional properties. Later, we will explore the neurological effects of chocolate, how we enjoy it through different senses, and what is the history of the relation of human being with this ‘gods food’.

We will taste multiple kind of chocolates to see how our perception changes depending on certain parameters. We will also test the combination of chocolate with other tastes, and try with other food which can change tasting experience.

To participate in the activity, participants will sign a document which will be distributed at the beginning of the event by which 1) they accept we can make photos of them to publish in webs and social networks, 2) they swear they have communicated us any kind of allergy, 3) they accept they are taking all the foods in the workshop under their responsability (or the responsability of a tutor, if the participant is younger than 18 years old). Activity is only allowed to people older than 9 years old.

Number of assistants is limited. To obtain your GOLDEN TICKET to participate in the activity, please write an e-mail to in which you tell us to which session you want to assist (12 noon or 5pm), if you have any allergy, if you want to bring people younger than 18 years old, and if you need that your consent document is in Spanish or English (or you have any special need).

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