ALLIES program is looking for postdoctoral researchers

Cajal Institute – News

🚀Are you ready to take your AI research to the next level? Welcome to ALLIES, the groundbreaking postdoctoral training program in Artificial Intelligence led by CSIC, coordinated through the AIHUB Connection and co-funded by the European Commission, and in which Cajal Institute participates.

ALLIES is on a mission to recruit 17 exceptional postdoctoral researchers who will embark on an interdisciplinary and intersectoral research journey in AI aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals.

As an ALLIES fellow, you’ll receive a two-year fellowship to work on your research project under the guidance of two CSIC senior researchers. Join forces with 18 CSIC research institutes renowned for their AI, Big Data, Machine Learning, Robotics, and Data Science expertise. Together, we’re tackling 8 critical AI challenges outlined in the CSIC AI White Paper using a bottom-up approach.

But that’s not all! ALLIES isn’t just about research – it’s about fostering an ecosystem of collaborative growth. Gain access to state-of-the-art research facilities, forge international collaborations, and unlock endless opportunities for professional development with our customized training program.

Don’t miss your chance to be part of this initiative, and apply now. Together, let’s make a difference! #ALLIEScofund #ALLIESforSDG

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To know more about Cajal Institute participation and how to apply to work there, go here

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